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Writer's pictureLyia Meta - My Ink Bleeds

The Weight of Interconnection: Navigating a World Saturated with Negativity

There are days when you just want to shut out the world, to retreat into a space where expectations don’t exist, and you can simply ‘float.’ The internet, this vast, seemingly endless network, is supposed to connect you to others, but more often than not, it feels like it’s filled with negativity. As much as you try to surround yourself with music, philosophy, and art or topics of interests—the things that bring you peace and fulfillment—it can feel like a losing battle. The negativity seeps in, no matter how hard you try to keep it out.

The Dilemma:

An Inescapable Web

You can’t help but feel trapped sometimes, caught in this inescapable web. The more you try to carve out a space for yourself, filled only with what you love, the more the darker aspects of the world seem to encroach on it. Social media, news feeds, even casual conversations—everything seems to pull you back into the vortex of sensationalism and conflict. It’s as if the algorithms that run these platforms are designed to feed you what you least want to see, amplifying the negativity and making it harder to focus on the things that truly matter to you.

You may find yourself questioning why it’s so difficult to maintain a sense of peace in a world that’s supposed to be more connected than ever. It’s exhausting to constantly filter out the noise, to fight for a little space where you can simply be.

Dissecting the Problem:

Why Is It So Hard to Disconnect?

The root of the problem lies in the very design of the internet and social media. These platforms are built on engagement; they thrive on keeping you hooked, and unfortunately, what hooks you often isn’t what’s good for you. Controversy, fear, anger—these emotions drive clicks and shares, creating a feedback loop that keeps you coming back, even when you know it’s not what you want or need.

For someone like me, who values introspection and creativity, this constant barrage can be particularly draining. It’s hard to create, to think deeply, when my mind is cluttered with the noise of the world. The more I try to escape, the more I might feel pulled back in, like a swimmer caught in a rip current, struggling to reach the shore.

Carving Out Peace in a Chaotic World

So, what can you do? How can you reclaim your space, your peace, in a world that seems determined to take it from you?

Curate Your Digital Environment

You need to take control of what you consume. This means being ruthless about unfollowing, muting, and blocking sources of negativity. It’s about creating a digital environment that nourishes rather than drains you. Follow accounts that inspire creativity, subscribe to channels that offer insight, and limit your exposure to the news cycle, only engaging with it when you’re in the right headspace.

Set Boundaries:

It’s important to set boundaries—not just with others, but with yourself (ooooh, this sounds like a self reminder!😁). Allocate specific times for checking social media or reading the news, and stick to them. By giving yourself clear limits, you create space for other, more fulfilling activities. Make sure that the digital world serves you, rather than the other way around.

Practice Mindfulness:

Cultivate mindfulness in your daily life. Whether through meditation, journaling, or simply taking a few moments each day to breathe deeply, work on being present. When you’re more grounded in the moment, it’s easier to navigate the challenges of the digital world without getting overwhelmed.

Prioritize Real-Life Connections

Don’t forget the value of real-life connections. While the internet connects us in many ways, it can never replace the depth of a face-to-face conversation (pick these wisely), the comfort of shared silence, or the joy of creating something with your own hands. By investing in these real-world experiences, you can build a stronger foundation for your mental and emotional well-being.

Create and Express:

Keep creating, keep expressing yourself. Whether through music, writing, or art, these acts of creation are your way of making sense of the world and reclaiming your space within it. They allow you to process the negativity around you and transform it into something meaningful. In creating, you are not just responding to the world; you are shaping it, carving out a space where your voice can be heard amidst the clamor.

Conclusion: A Path Forward

In a world where the internet can often feel like a flood of negativity, it’s crucial to find ways to navigate it without losing yourself. By curating your digital environment, setting boundaries, practicing mindfulness, prioritizing real-life connections, and continuing to create, you can carve out a space where you can breathe, think, and simply be. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary if you want to live a life that’s true to who you are, rather than being swept away by the tide of the world.

In the end, it's about reclaiming your narrative, choosing what shapes your days, and finding strength in the spaces you create for yourself. It's in these spaces that you find the freedom to truly live, rather than merely exist.


Words and Music by Denise Dimin

Produced and arranged by Bob McGilpin

Piano and orchestration by Gene Rabbai

Coproduced by Gene Rabbai and Lyia Meta

From the album NEXT.

Release date: 26th of July

Video produced and edited

by Lyia Meta

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